Source code for fireant.formats

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datetime import (

from fireant.slicer.totals import TOTALS_MARKERS

NULL_VALUE = 'null'
TOTALS_VALUE = 'totals'
RAW_VALUE = 'raw'

NO_TIME = time(0)

epoch = np.datetime64(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0))
milliseconds = np.timedelta64(1, 'ms')

[docs]def date_as_millis(value): if not isinstance(value, date): value = datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') return int(1000 * value.timestamp())
[docs]def coerce_type(value): if value is None: return None if isinstance(value, date): return value # Should never be any real NaNs or INFs at this point, so if that's the value, it's meant to be that. if isinstance(value, str) and str.lower(value) in ['nan', 'inf']: return value for type_cast in (int, float): try: return type_cast(value) except: pass if NULL_VALUE == value: return None if 'True' == value: return True if 'False' == value: return False return value
[docs]def dimension_value(value): """ Format a dimension value. This will coerce the raw string or date values into a proper primitive value like a string, float, or int. :param value: The raw str or datetime value :param str_date: When True, dates and datetimes will be converted to ISO strings. The time is omitted for dates. When False, the datetime will be converted to a POSIX timestamp (millis-since-epoch). """ if value in TOTALS_MARKERS: return 'Totals' if pd.isnull(value): return NULL_VALUE if isinstance(value, date): if not hasattr(value, 'time') or value.time() == NO_TIME: return value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: return value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') return coerce_type(value)
[docs]def metric_value(value): """ Converts a raw metric value into a safe type. This will change dates into strings, NaNs into Nones, and np types into their corresponding python types. :param value: The raw metric value. """ if isinstance(value, date): if not hasattr(value, 'time') or value.time() == NO_TIME: return value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: return value.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') if value is None or value is '' or pd.isnull(value): return None if isinstance(value, float): if np.isinf(value): return None return float(value) if isinstance(value, np.int64): # Cannot transform np.int64 to json return int(value) return value
[docs]def metric_display(value, prefix=None, suffix=None, precision=None): """ Converts a metric value into the display value by applying formatting. :param value: The raw metric value. :param prefix: An optional prefix. :param suffix: An optional suffix. :param precision: The decimal precision, the number of decimal places to round to. :return: A formatted string containing the display value for the metric. """ if pd.isnull(value): value = NULL_VALUE if value in {np.inf, -np.inf, INF_VALUE}: return INF_VALUE if value in (NULL_VALUE, NAN_VALUE): return NULL_VALUE if isinstance(value, bool): value = str(value).lower() if prefix == '$' and isinstance(value, (float, int)) and value < 0: value = -value prefix = '-$' if isinstance(value, float): if precision is not None: value = '{:,.{precision}f}'.format(value, precision=precision) elif value.is_integer(): value = '{:,.0f}'.format(value) else: # Stripping trailing zeros is necessary because %f can add them if no precision is set value = '{:,f}'.format(value).rstrip('.0') if isinstance(value, int): value = '{:,.0f}'.format(value) return '{prefix}{value}{suffix}'.format( prefix=prefix or '', value=str(value), suffix=suffix or '', )