Source code for fireant.slicer.widgets.highcharts

import itertools

import pandas as pd
from datetime import timedelta

from fireant import (
from .base import TransformableWidget
from .chart_base import (
from .helpers import (
from ..references import (




SERIES_NEEDING_MARKER = (ChartWidget.LineSeries, ChartWidget.AreaSeries)
TS_UPPER_BOUND = pd.Timestamp.max - timedelta(seconds=1)

[docs]class HighCharts(ChartWidget, TransformableWidget): # Pagination should be applied to groups of the 0th index level (the x-axis) in order to paginate series group_pagination = True def __init__(self, title=None, colors=None, x_axis_visible=True, tooltip_visible=True): super(HighCharts, self).__init__() self.title = title self.colors = colors or DEFAULT_COLORS self.x_axis_visible = x_axis_visible self.tooltip_visible = tooltip_visible def __repr__(self): return ".".join(["HighCharts()"] + [repr(axis) for axis in self.items])
[docs] def transform(self, data_frame, slicer, dimensions, references): """ - Main entry point - Transforms a data frame into HighCharts JSON format. See :param data_frame: The data frame containing the data. Index must match the dimensions parameter. :param slicer: The slicer that is in use. :param dimensions: A list of dimensions that are being rendered. :param references: A list of references that are being rendered. :return: A dict meant to be dumped as JSON. """ colors = itertools.cycle(self.colors) dimension_display_values = extract_display_values(dimensions, data_frame) render_series_label = dimensional_metric_label(dimensions, dimension_display_values) is_timeseries = dimensions and isinstance(dimensions[0], DatetimeDimension) # Timestamp.max is used as a marker for rolled up dimensions (totals). Filter out the totals value for the # dimension used for the x-axis if is_timeseries and len(data_frame) > 0: data_frame = self._remove_date_totals(data_frame) # Group the results by index levels after the 0th, one for each series # This will result in a series for every combination of dimension values and each series will contain a data set # across the 0th dimension (used for the x-axis) series_data_frames = self._group_by_series(data_frame) total_num_series = sum([len(axis) for axis in self.items]) y_axes, series = [], [] for axis_idx, axis in enumerate(self.items): # Tee the colors iterator so we can peek at the next color. The next color in the iterator becomes the # axis color. The first series on each axis should match the axis color, and will progress the colors # iterator. The next axis color should be the next color in the iterator after the last color used by a # series on the current axis in order to get a better variety of color. colors, tee_colors = itertools.tee(colors) axis_color = next(tee_colors) # prepend axes, append series, this keeps everything ordered left-to-right y_axes[0:0] = self._render_y_axis(axis_idx, axis_color if 1 < total_num_series else None, references) series += self._render_series(axis, axis_idx, axis_color, colors, series_data_frames, render_series_label, references, is_timeseries) x_axis = self._render_x_axis(data_frame, dimensions, dimension_display_values) return { "title": {"text": self.title}, "xAxis": x_axis, "yAxis": y_axes, 'colors': self.colors, "series": series, "tooltip": {"shared": True, "useHTML": True, "enabled": self.tooltip_visible}, "legend": {"useHTML": True}, }
@staticmethod def _remove_date_totals(data_frame): """ This function filters the totals value for the date/time dimension from the result set. There is no way to represent this value on a chart so it is just removed. :param data_frame: :return: """ if isinstance(data_frame.index, pd.MultiIndex): index_slice = data_frame.index.get_level_values(0) < TS_UPPER_BOUND return data_frame.loc[index_slice, :] if isinstance(data_frame.index, pd.DatetimeIndex): return data_frame[data_frame.index < TS_UPPER_BOUND] return data_frame def _render_x_axis(self, data_frame, dimensions, dimension_display_values): """ Renders the xAxis configuration. :param data_frame: :param dimension_display_values: :return: """ first_level = data_frame.index.levels[0] \ if isinstance(data_frame.index, pd.MultiIndex) \ else data_frame.index if dimensions and isinstance(dimensions[0], DatetimeDimension): return { "type": "datetime", "visible": self.x_axis_visible, } categories = ["All"] \ if not isinstance(data_frame.index, pd.MultiIndex) and is None \ else [utils.getdeepattr(dimension_display_values, (, dimension_value), dimension_value) for dimension_value in first_level] categories = [formats.dimension_value(category) for category in categories] return { "type": "category", "categories": categories, "visible": self.x_axis_visible, } def _group_by_series(self, data_frame): if len(data_frame) == 0 or not isinstance(data_frame.index, pd.MultiIndex): return [([], data_frame)] series = data_frame.index.names[1:] return data_frame.groupby(level=series, sort=False) def _render_y_axis(self, axis_idx, color, references): """ Renders the yAxis configuration. :param axis_idx: :param color: :param references: :return: """ axis = self.items[axis_idx] y_axes = [{ "id": str(axis_idx), "title": {"text": None}, "labels": {"style": {"color": color}}, "visible": axis.y_axis_visible, }] y_axes += [{ "id": "{}_{}".format(axis_idx, reference.key), "title": {"text": reference.label}, "opposite": True, "labels": {"style": {"color": color}}, "visible": axis.y_axis_visible, } for reference in references if] return y_axes def _render_series(self, axis, axis_idx, axis_color, colors, series_data_frames, render_series_label, references, is_timeseries=False): """ Renders the series configuration. :param axis: :param axis_idx: :param axis_color: :param colors: :param series_data_frames: :param render_series_label: :param references: :param is_timeseries: :return: """ hc_series = [] for series in axis: symbols = itertools.cycle(MARKER_SYMBOLS) for (dimension_values, group_df), symbol in zip(series_data_frames, symbols): if is_timeseries: group_df = group_df.sort_index(level=0) dimension_values = utils.wrap_list(dimension_values) if isinstance(series, self.PieSeries): # pie charts suck for reference in [None] + references: hc_series.append(self._render_pie_series(series, reference, group_df, render_series_label)) continue # With a single axis, use different colors for each series # With multiple axes, use the same color for the entire axis and only change the dash style series_color = next(colors) for reference, dash_style in zip([None] + references, itertools.cycle(DASH_STYLES)): metric_key = utils.format_metric_key(reference_key(series.metric, reference)) hc_series.append({ "type": series.type, "name": render_series_label(dimension_values, series.metric, reference), "data": ( self._render_timeseries_data(group_df, metric_key) if is_timeseries else self._render_category_data(group_df, metric_key) ), "tooltip": self._render_tooltip(series.metric, reference), "yAxis": ("{}_{}".format(axis_idx, reference.key) if reference is not None and else str(axis_idx)), "marker": ({"symbol": symbol, "fillColor": axis_color or series_color} if isinstance(series, SERIES_NEEDING_MARKER) else {}), "stacking": series.stacking, }) if isinstance(series, ContinuousAxisSeries): # Set each series in a continuous series to a specific color hc_series[-1]["color"] = series_color hc_series[-1]["dashStyle"] = dash_style return hc_series def _render_pie_series(self, series, reference, data_frame, render_series_label): metric = series.metric name = reference_label(metric, reference) df_key = utils.format_metric_key(series.metric.key) data = [] for dimension_values, y in data_frame[df_key].sort_values(ascending=False).iteritems(): data.append({ "name": render_series_label(dimension_values) if dimension_values else name, "y": formats.metric_value(y), }) return { "name": name, "type": series.type, "data": data, 'tooltip': { 'pointFormat': '<span style="color:{point.color}">\u25CF</span> {}: ' '<b>{point.y} ({point.percentage:.1f}%)</b><br/>', 'valueDecimals': metric.precision, 'valuePrefix': reference_prefix(metric, reference), 'valueSuffix': reference_suffix(metric, reference), }, } @staticmethod def _render_category_data(group_df, metric_key): categories = list(group_df.index.levels[0]) \ if isinstance(group_df.index, pd.MultiIndex) \ else list(group_df.index) series = [] for labels, y in group_df[metric_key].iteritems(): label = labels[0] if isinstance(labels, tuple) else labels series.append({ 'x': categories.index(label), 'y': formats.metric_value(y) }) return series @staticmethod def _render_timeseries_data(group_df, metric_key): series = [] for dimension_values, y in group_df[metric_key].iteritems(): first_dimension_value = utils.wrap_list(dimension_values)[0] if pd.isnull(first_dimension_value): # Ignore totals on the x-axis. continue series.append((formats.date_as_millis(first_dimension_value), formats.metric_value(y))) return series def _render_tooltip(self, metric, reference): return { "valuePrefix": reference_prefix(metric, reference), "valueSuffix": reference_suffix(metric, reference), "valueDecimals": metric.precision, }