Source code for fireant.slicer.widgets.reacttable

import re
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from fireant.formats import (
from fireant.utils import (
from .pandas import Pandas
from ..dimensions import (
from ..intervals import (
from ..metrics import Metric
from ..references import (

    hourly: '%Y-%m-%d %h',
    daily: '%Y-%m-%d',
    weekly: '%Y-%m',
    monthly: '%Y',
    quarterly: '%Y-%q',
    annually: '%Y',
from fireant.utils import (
from fireant.slicer.totals import TOTALS_MARKERS
from fireant.slicer.totals import (

metrics = Dimension('metrics', '')
metrics_dimension_key = format_dimension_key(metrics.key)

[docs]def map_index_level(index, level, func): # If the index is empty, do not do anything if 0 == index.size: return index if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex): values = index.levels[level] return index.set_levels(, level) assert level == 0 return
[docs]class ReferenceItem: def __init__(self, item, reference): self.key = reference_key(item, reference) self.label = reference_label(item, reference) self.prefix = reference_prefix(item, reference) self.suffix = reference_suffix(item, reference) self.precision = item.precision
[docs]class TotalsItem: key = TOTALS_VALUE label = TOTALS_LABEL prefix = suffix = precision = None
[docs]class ReactTable(Pandas): """ This component does not work with react-table out of the box, some customization is needed in order to work with the transformed data. .. code-block:: jsx // A Custom TdComponent implementation is required by Fireant in order to render display values const TdComponent = ({ toggleSort, className, children, }) => <div className={classNames('rt-td', className)} role="gridcell" {}> {_.get(children, 'display', children.raw) || <span>&nbsp;</span>} </div>; const FireantReactTable = ({ config, // The payload from fireant }) => <ReactTable columns={config.columns} data={} minRows={0} TdComponent={ DashmoreTdComponent} defaultSortMethod={(a, b, desc) => ReactTableDefaults.defaultSortMethod(a.raw, b.raw, desc)}> </ReactTable>; """ def __init__(self, metric, *metrics: Metric, pivot=(), transpose=False, sort=None, ascending=None, max_columns=None): super(ReactTable, self).__init__(metric, *metrics, pivot=pivot, transpose=transpose, sort=sort, ascending=ascending, max_columns=max_columns) def __repr__(self): return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, ','.join(str(m) for m in self.items))
[docs] @staticmethod def map_display_values(df, dimensions): """ Creates a mapping for dimension values to their display values. :param df: The result data set that is being transformed. :param dimensions: The list of dimensions included in the query that created the result data set df. :return: A tree-structure dict with two levels of depth. The top level dict has keys for each dimension's display key. The lower level dict has keys for each raw dimension value and values which are the display value. """ dimension_display_values = {} for dimension in dimensions: f_dimension_key = format_dimension_key(dimension.key) if dimension.has_display_field: f_display_key = format_dimension_key(dimension.display_key) dimension_display_values[f_dimension_key] = \ df[f_display_key].groupby(f_dimension_key).first().to_dict() del df[f_display_key] if hasattr(dimension, 'display_values'): dimension_display_values[f_dimension_key] = dimension.display_values return dimension_display_values
[docs] @staticmethod def format_data_frame(data_frame, dimensions): """ This function prepares the raw data frame for transformation by formatting dates in the index and removing any remaining NaN/NaT values. It also names the column as metrics so that it can be treated like a dimension level. :param data_frame: The result set data frame :param dimensions: :return: """ for i, dimension in enumerate(dimensions): if isinstance(dimension, DatetimeDimension): date_format = DATE_FORMATS.get(dimension.interval, DATE_FORMATS[daily]) # FIXME def format_datetime(dt): if MAX_TIMESTAMP == dt: return TOTALS_LABEL return dt.strftime(date_format) data_frame.index = map_index_level(data_frame.index, i, format_datetime) = metrics_dimension_key
[docs] @staticmethod def transform_dimension_column_headers(data_frame, dimensions): """ Convert the un-pivoted dimensions into ReactTable column header definitions. :param data_frame: The result set data frame :param dimensions: A list of dimensions in the data frame that are part of the index :return: A list of column header definitions with the following structure. .. code-block:: jsx columns = [{ Header: 'Column A', accessor: 'a', }, { Header: 'Column B', accessor: 'b', }] """ dimension_map = {format_dimension_key(d.key): d for d in dimensions + [metrics]} columns = [] if not isinstance(data_frame.index, pd.MultiIndex) and is None: return columns for f_dimension_key in data_frame.index.names: dimension = dimension_map[f_dimension_key] columns.append({ 'Header': getattr(dimension, 'label', dimension.key), 'accessor': f_dimension_key, }) return columns
[docs] @staticmethod def transform_metric_column_headers(data_frame, item_map, dimension_display_values): """ Convert the metrics into ReactTable column header definitions. This includes any pivoted dimensions, which will result in multiple rows of headers. :param data_frame: The result set data frame :param item_map: A map to find metrics/operations based on their keys found in the data frame. :param dimension_display_values: A map for finding display values for dimensions based on their key and value. :return: A list of column header definitions with the following structure. .. code-block:: jsx columns = [{ Header: 'Column A', columns: [{ Header: 'SubColumn A.0', accessor: 'a.0', }, { Header: 'SubColumn A.1', accessor: 'a.1', }] }, { Header: 'Column B', columns: [ ... ] }] """ def get_header(column_value, f_dimension_key, is_totals): if f_dimension_key == metrics_dimension_key or is_totals: item = item_map[column_value] return getattr(item, 'label', item.key) return getdeepattr(dimension_display_values, (f_dimension_key, column_value), column_value) def _make_columns(columns_frame, previous_levels=()): """ This function recursively creates the individual column definitions for React Table with the above tree structure depending on how many index levels there are in the columns. :param columns_frame: A data frame representing the columns of the result set data frame. :param previous_levels: A tuple containing the higher level index level values used for building the data accessor path """ f_dimension_key = columns_frame.index.names[0] # Group the columns if they are multi-index so we can get the proper sub-column values. This will yield # one group per dimension value with the group data frame containing only the relevant sub-columns groups = columns_frame.groupby(level=0) \ if isinstance(columns_frame.index, pd.MultiIndex) else \ [(level, None) for level in columns_frame.index] columns = [] for column_value, group in groups: is_totals = column_value in TOTALS_MARKERS | {TOTALS_LABEL} # All column definitions have a header column = {'Header': get_header(column_value, f_dimension_key, is_totals)} levels = previous_levels + (column_value,) if group is not None: # If there is a group, then drop this index level from the group data frame and recurse to build # sub column definitions next_level_df = group.reset_index(level=0, drop=True) column['columns'] = _make_columns(next_level_df, levels) else: column['accessor'] = '.'.join(map(str, levels)) if is_totals: column['className'] = 'fireant-totals' columns.append(column) return columns column_frame = data_frame.columns.to_frame() return _make_columns(column_frame)
[docs] @classmethod def transform_data_row_index(cls, index_values, dimension_display_values, dimension_hyperlink_templates): # Add the index to the row row = {} for key, value in index_values.items(): if key is None: continue data = {RAW_VALUE: metric_value(value)} # Try to find a display value for the item. If this is a metric the raw value is replaced with the # display value because there is no raw value for a metric label display = getdeepattr(dimension_display_values, (key, value)) if display is not None: data['display'] = display # If the dimension has a hyperlink template, then apply the template by formatting it with the dimension # values for this row. The values contained in `index_values` will always contain all of the required values # at this point, otherwise the hyperlink template will not be included. if key in dimension_hyperlink_templates: data['hyperlink'] = dimension_hyperlink_templates[key].format(**index_values) row[key] = data return row
[docs] @classmethod def transform_data_row_values(cls, series, item_map): # Add the values to the row row = {} for key, value in series.iteritems(): key = wrap_list(key) value = metric_value(value) data = {RAW_VALUE: metric_value(value)} # Try to find a display value for the item item = item_map.get(key[0]) display = metric_display(value, getattr(item, 'prefix', None), getattr(item, 'suffix', None), getattr(item, 'precision', None)) if display is not None: data['display'] = display setdeepattr(row, key, data) return row
[docs] @classmethod def transform_data(cls, data_frame, item_map, dimension_display_values, dimension_hyperlink_templates): """ Builds a list of dicts containing the data for ReactTable. This aligns with the accessors set by #transform_dimension_column_headers and #transform_metric_column_headers :param data_frame: The result set data frame :param item_map: A map to find metrics/operations based on their keys found in the data frame. :param dimension_display_values: A map for finding display values for dimensions based on their key and value. :param dimension_hyperlink_templates: """ index_names = data_frame.index.names rows = [] for index, series in data_frame.iterrows(): if not isinstance(index, tuple): index = (index,) # Get a list of values from the index. These can be metrics or dimensions so it checks in the item map if # there is a display value for the value index = [item if item not in item_map else getattr(item_map[item], 'label', item_map[item].key) for item in index] index_values = OrderedDict(zip(index_names, index)) index_cols = cls.transform_data_row_index(index_values, dimension_display_values, dimension_hyperlink_templates) value_cols = cls.transform_data_row_values(series, item_map) row = {} row.update(index_cols) row.update(value_cols) rows.append(row) return rows
[docs] def transform(self, data_frame, slicer, dimensions, references): """ Transforms a data frame into a format for ReactTable. This is an object containing attributes `columns` and `data` which align with the props in ReactTable with the same name. :param data_frame: The result set data frame :param slicer: The slicer that generated the data query :param dimensions: A list of dimensions that were selected in the data query :param references: A list of references that were selected in the data query :return: An dict containing attributes `columns` and `data` which align with the props in ReactTable with the same names. """ df_dimension_columns = [format_dimension_key(d.display_key) for d in dimensions if d.has_display_field] item_map = OrderedDict([(format_metric_key(reference_key(i, reference)), ReferenceItem(i, reference)) for i in self.items for reference in [None] + references]) df_metric_columns = list(item_map.keys()) # Add an extra item to map the totals markers to it's label item_map[MAX_NUMBER] = TotalsItem item_map[MAX_STRING] = TotalsItem item_map[TOTALS_LABEL] = TotalsItem df = data_frame[df_dimension_columns + df_metric_columns].copy() dimension_display_values = self.map_display_values(df, dimensions) self.format_data_frame(df, dimensions) dimension_keys = [format_dimension_key(dimension.key) for dimension in self.pivot] df = self.pivot_data_frame(df, dimension_keys, self.transpose) \ .fillna(value=NULL_VALUE) \ .replace([np.inf, -np.inf], INF_VALUE) dimension_hyperlink_templates = self.map_hyperlink_templates(df, dimensions) dimension_columns = self.transform_dimension_column_headers(df, dimensions) metric_columns = self.transform_metric_column_headers(df, item_map, dimension_display_values) data = self.transform_data(df, item_map, dimension_display_values, dimension_hyperlink_templates) return { 'columns': dimension_columns + metric_columns, 'data': data, }