Source code for fireant.dataset.fields

from collections import Iterable
from enum import Enum

from functools import wraps

from fireant.utils import (
from .filters import (

[docs]class DataType(Enum): date = 1 text = 2 number = 3 boolean = 4 def __repr__(self): return
CONTINUOUS_TYPES = [DataType.number,] DISCRETE_TYPES = [DataType.text, DataType.boolean]
[docs]class DataSetFilterException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg, allowed): super().__init__(msg) self.allowed = allowed
[docs]def restrict_types(allowed): def wrapper(func): @wraps(func) def inner(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.data_type not in allowed: msg = '`{func}` filter can only be used on fields with the following data types: {types}.' \ .format(func=func.__name__, types=", ".join(map(repr, allowed))) raise DataSetFilterException(msg, allowed) return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return inner return wrapper
[docs]class Field: """ The `Field` class represents a field in the `DataSet` object. A field is a mapping to a column in a database query. :param alias: A unique identifier used to identify the metric when writing slicer queries. This value must be unique over the metrics in the slicer. :param definition: A pypika expression which is used to select the value when building SQL queries. For metrics, this query **must** be aggregated, since queries always use a ``GROUP BY`` clause an metrics are not used as a group. :param data_type: {Number, Text, Boolean, Date} When True, the field's definition should be treated as an aggregate expression. :param label: (optional) A display value used for the metric. This is used for rendering the labels within the visualizations. If not set, the alias will be used as the default. :param hint_table: (optional) An optional table for fetching field choices. If this table is not set, the base table from the field definition will be used. :param is_aggregate: (default: False) When True, the field's definition should be treated as an aggregate expression. :param precision: (optional) A precision value for rounding decimals. By default, no rounding will be applied. :param prefix: (optional) A prefix for rendering labels in visualizations such as '$' :param suffix: A suffix for rendering labels in visualizations such as '€' """ def __init__(self, alias, definition, data_type: DataType = DataType.number, label=None, hint_table=None, prefix: str = None, suffix: str = None, thousands: str = None, precision: int = None, hyperlink_template: str = None): self.alias = alias self.data_type = data_type self.definition = definition self.label = label \ if label is not None \ else alias self.hint_table = hint_table self.prefix = prefix self.suffix = suffix self.thousands = thousands self.precision = precision self.hyperlink_template = hyperlink_template
[docs] def eq(self, other): return ComparatorFilter(self.alias, self.definition, ComparatorFilter.Operator.eq, other)
[docs] def ne(self, other): return ComparatorFilter(self.alias, self.definition,, other)
[docs] @restrict_types(CONTINUOUS_TYPES) def gt(self, other): return ComparatorFilter(self.alias, self.definition,, other)
[docs] @restrict_types(CONTINUOUS_TYPES) def ge(self, other): return ComparatorFilter(self.alias, self.definition, ComparatorFilter.Operator.gte, other)
[docs] @restrict_types(CONTINUOUS_TYPES) def lt(self, other): return ComparatorFilter(self.alias, self.definition,, other)
[docs] @restrict_types(CONTINUOUS_TYPES) def le(self, other): return ComparatorFilter(self.alias, self.definition, ComparatorFilter.Operator.lte, other)
[docs] @restrict_types(CONTINUOUS_TYPES) def between(self, lower, upper): """ Creates a filter to filter a slicer query. :param lower: The start time of the filter. This is the beginning of the window for which results should be included. :param upper: The stop time of the filter. This is the end of the window for which results should be included. :return: A slicer query filter used to filter a slicer query to results where this dimension is between the values start and stop. """ return RangeFilter(self.alias, self.definition, lower, upper)
[docs] def isin(self, values: Iterable): """ Creates a filter that filters to rows where :param values: An iterable of value to constrain the slicer query results by. :return: A slicer query filter used to filter a slicer query to results where this dimension is one of a set of values. Opposite of #notin. """ return ContainsFilter(self.alias, self.definition, values)
[docs] def notin(self, values): """ Creates a filter to filter a slicer query. :param values: An iterable of value to constrain the slicer query results by. :return: A slicer query filter used to filter a slicer query to results where this dimension is *not* one of a set of values. Opposite of #isin. """ return ExcludesFilter(self.alias, self.definition, values)
[docs] @restrict_types([DataType.text]) def like(self, pattern, *patterns): return PatternFilter(self.alias, self.definition, pattern, *patterns)
[docs] @restrict_types([DataType.text]) def not_like(self, pattern, *patterns): return AntiPatternFilter(self.alias, self.definition, pattern, *patterns)
[docs] @restrict_types([DataType.boolean]) def is_(self, value: bool): """ Creates a filter to filter a slicer query. :param value: True or False :return: A slicer query filter used to filter a slicer query to results where this dimension is True or False. """ return BooleanFilter(self.alias, self.definition, value)
[docs] def void(self): return VoidFilter(self.alias)
def __eq__(self, other): return self.eq(other) def __ne__(self, other): return def __gt__(self, other): return def __ge__(self, other): return def __lt__(self, other): return def __le__(self, other): return self.le(other) def __repr__(self): return "{alias}[{data_type}]".format(alias=self.alias, data_type=self.data_type) def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) @property @immutable def share(self): self._share = True return self