Source code for fireant.queries.builder

from typing import (

import pandas as pd

from pypika import Order

from fireant.dataset.fields import Field
from fireant.dataset.totals import scrub_totals_from_share_results
from fireant.exceptions import SlicerException
from fireant.reference_helpers import reference_alias
from fireant.utils import (
from . import special_cases
from .execution import fetch_data
from .field_helper import (
from .finders import (
from .pagination import paginate
from .sql_transformer import (
from ..formats import display_value

[docs]class QueryException(SlicerException): pass
[docs]def add_hints(queries, hint=None): return [query.hint(hint) if hint is not None and hasattr(query.__class__, 'hint') else query for query in queries]
[docs]def get_column_names(database, table): column_definitions = database.get_column_definitions( table._schema._name, table._table_name ) return {column_definition[0] for column_definition in column_definitions}
[docs]class QueryBuilder(object): """ This is the base class for building slicer queries. This class provides an interface for building slicer queries via a set of functions which can be chained together. """ def __init__(self, dataset, table): self.dataset = dataset self.table = table self._dimensions = [] self._filters = [] self._apply_filter_to_totals = [] self._references = [] self._limit = None self._offset = None @immutable def filter(self, *filters, apply_to_totals=True): """ :param filters: :param apply_to_totals: :return: """ self._filters += [f for f in filters] self._apply_filter_to_totals += [apply_to_totals] * len(filters) @immutable def limit(self, limit): """ :param limit: A limit on the number of database rows returned. """ self._limit = limit @immutable def offset(self, offset): """ :param offset: A offset on the number of database rows returned. """ self._offset = offset @property def sql(self): """ Serialize this query builder object to a set of Pypika/SQL queries. This is the base implementation shared by two implementations: the query to fetch data for a slicer request and the query to fetch choices for dimensions. This function only handles dimensions (select+group by) and filtering (where/having), which is everything needed for the query to fetch choices for dimensions. The slicer query extends this with metrics, references, and totals. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def fetch(self, hint=None): """ Fetches the data for this query instance and returns it in an instance of `pd.DataFrame` :param hint: For database vendors that support it, add a query hint to collect analytics on the queries triggerd by fireant. """ queries = add_hints(self.sql, hint) return fetch_data(self.dataset.database, queries, self._dimensions)
[docs]class DataSetQueryBuilder(QueryBuilder): """ Slicer queries consist of widgets, dimensions, filters, and references. At least one or more widgets is required. All others are optional. """ def __init__(self, dataset): super(DataSetQueryBuilder, self).__init__(dataset, dataset.table) self._widgets = [] self._totals_dimensions = set() self._orders = [] @immutable def widget(self, *widgets): """ :param widgets: :return: """ self._widgets += widgets @immutable def dimension(self, *dimensions): """ :param dimensions: :return: """ aliases = {dimension.alias for dimension in self._dimensions} self._dimensions += [dimension for dimension in dimensions if dimension.alias not in aliases] @immutable def reference(self, *references): """ Add a reference for a dimension when building a slicer query. :param references: References to add to the query :return: A copy of the dimension with the reference added. """ self._references += references @immutable def orderby(self, field: Field, orientation: Order = None): """ :param field: The element to order by, either a metric or dimension. :param orientation: The directionality to order by, either ascending or descending. :return: """ self._orders += [(field.definition.as_(alias_selector(field.alias)), orientation)] def _validate(self): for widget in self._widgets: if hasattr(widget, 'validate'): widget.validate(self._dimensions) @property def reference_groups(self): return list(find_and_group_references_for_dimensions(self._dimensions, self._references).values()) @property def sql(self): """ Serialize this query builder to a list of Pypika/SQL queries. This function will return one query for every combination of reference and rolled up dimension (including null options). This collects all of the metrics in each widget, dimensions, and filters and builds a corresponding pypika query to fetch the data. When references are used, the base query normally produced is wrapped in an outer query and a query for each reference is joined based on the referenced dimension shifted. """ # First run validation for the query on all widgets self._validate() metrics = find_metrics_for_widgets(self._widgets) operations = find_operations_for_widgets(self._widgets) share_dimensions = find_share_dimensions(self._dimensions, operations) references = find_and_replace_reference_dimensions(self._references, self._dimensions) orders = (self._orders or make_orders_for_dimensions(self._dimensions)) return make_slicer_query_with_totals_and_references(self.dataset.database, self.table, self.dataset.joins, self._dimensions, metrics, operations, self._filters, references, orders, share_dimensions=share_dimensions)
[docs] def fetch(self, hint=None) -> Iterable[Dict]: """ Fetch the data for this query and transform it into the widgets. :param hint: A query hint label used with database vendors which support it. Adds a label comment to the query. :return: A list of dict (JSON) objects containing the widget configurations. """ queries = add_hints(self.sql, hint) operations = find_operations_for_widgets(self._widgets) share_dimensions = find_share_dimensions(self._dimensions, operations) data_frame = fetch_data(self.dataset.database, queries, self._dimensions, share_dimensions, self.reference_groups) # Apply operations for operation in operations: for reference in [None] + self._references: df_key = alias_selector(reference_alias(operation, reference)) data_frame[df_key] = operation.apply(data_frame, reference) data_frame = scrub_totals_from_share_results(data_frame, self._dimensions) data_frame = special_cases.apply_operations_to_data_frame(operations, data_frame) data_frame = paginate(data_frame, self._widgets, orders=self._orders, limit=self._limit, offset=self._offset) # Apply transformations return [widget.transform(data_frame, self.dataset, self._dimensions, self._references) for widget in self._widgets]
[docs] def plot(self): try: from IPython.display import display except ImportError: raise QueryException('Optional dependency ipython missing. Please install fireant[ipython] to use plot.') widgets = self.fetch() for widget in reversed(widgets): display(widget)
def __str__(self): return str(self.sql) def __repr__(self): return ".".join(["slicer", "data"] + ["widget({})".format(repr(widget)) for widget in self._widgets] + ["dimension({})".format(repr(dimension)) for dimension in self._dimensions] + ["filter({}{})".format(repr(f), ', apply_filter_to_totals=True' if apply_filter_to_totals else '') for f, apply_filter_to_totals in zip(self._filters, self._apply_filter_to_totals)] + ["reference({})".format(repr(reference)) for reference in self._references] + ["orderby({}, {})".format(definition.alias, orientation) for (definition, orientation) in self._orders])
[docs]class DimensionChoicesQueryBuilder(QueryBuilder): """ This builder is used for building slicer queries for fetching the choices for a dimension given a set of filters. """ def __init__(self, dataset, dimension): super(DimensionChoicesQueryBuilder, self).__init__(dataset, dataset.table) self.hint_table = getattr(dimension, 'hint_table', None) self._dimensions.append(dimension) # TODO remove after 3.0.0 display_alias = dimension.alias + '_display' if display_alias in dataset.fields: self._dimensions.append(dataset.fields[display_alias]) def _extract_hint_filters(self): """ Extracts filters that can be applied when using the hint table. :return: A list of filters. """ base_table = self.dataset.table hint_column_names = get_column_names(self.dataset.database, self.hint_table) filters = [] for filter_ in self._filters: base_fields = [field for field in filter_.definition.fields() if all(table == base_table for table in field.tables_)] join_tables = [table for field in filter_.definition.fields() for table in field.tables_ if table != base_table] required_joins = find_joins_for_tables(self.dataset.joins, self.dataset.table, join_tables) base_fields.extend([field for join in required_joins for field in join.criterion.fields() if all(table == base_table for table in field.tables_)]) if all( in hint_column_names for field in base_fields): filters.append(filter_) return filters def _make_terms_for_hint_dimensions(self): """ Makes a list pypika terms using the hint table instead of their original table. :return: A list of pypika terms. """ dimension_terms = [] for dimension in self._dimensions: dimension_term = make_term_for_dimension(dimension, self.dataset.database.trunc_date) dimension_term = dimension_term.replace_table(dimension_term.table, self.hint_table) dimension_terms.append(dimension_term) return dimension_terms @property def sql(self): """ Serializes this query builder as a set of SQL queries. This method will always return a list of one query since only one query is required to retrieve dimension choices. The slicer query extends this with metrics, references, and totals. """ dimensions = [] \ if self.hint_table \ else self._dimensions filters = self._extract_hint_filters() \ if self.hint_table \ else self._filters query = make_slicer_query(database=self.dataset.database, base_table=self.dataset.table, joins=self.dataset.joins, dimensions=dimensions, filters=filters) \ .limit(self._limit) \ .offset(self._offset) if self.hint_table: hint_dimension_terms = self._make_terms_for_hint_dimensions() query = query \ .select(*hint_dimension_terms) \ .groupby(*hint_dimension_terms) query = query.replace_table(self.dataset.table, self.hint_table) return [query]
[docs] def fetch(self, hint=None, force_include=()) -> pd.Series: """ Fetch the data for this query and transform it into the widgets. :param hint: For database vendors that support it, add a query hint to collect analytics on the queries triggered by fireant. :param force_include: A list of dimension values to include in the result set. This can be used to avoid having necessary results cut off due to the pagination. These results will be returned at the head of the results. :return: A list of dict (JSON) objects containing the widget configurations. """ query = add_hints(self.sql, hint)[0] dimension = self._dimensions[0] alias_definition = dimension.definition.as_(alias_selector(dimension.alias)) dimension_definition = dimension.definition if self.hint_table: alias_definition = alias_definition.replace_table(alias_definition.table, self.hint_table) dimension_definition = dimension.definition.replace_table(dimension_definition.table, self.hint_table) if force_include: include = self.dataset.database.to_char(dimension_definition) \ .isin([str(x) for x in force_include]) # Ensure that these values are included query = query.orderby(include, order=Order.desc) # Order by the dimension definition that the choices are for query = query.orderby(alias_definition) data = fetch_data(self.dataset.database, [query], self._dimensions) if len(data.index.names) > 1: display_alias = data.index.names[1] data.reset_index(display_alias, inplace=True) choices = data[display_alias] else: data['display'] = data.index.tolist() choices = data['display'] dimension_display = self._dimensions[-1] return raw: display_value(raw, dimension_display) or raw)
def __repr__(self): return ".".join(["slicer", self._dimensions[0].alias, "choices"] + ["filter({})".format(repr(f)) for f in self._filters])
[docs]class DimensionLatestQueryBuilder(QueryBuilder): def __init__(self, dataset): super(DimensionLatestQueryBuilder, self).__init__(dataset, dataset.table) @immutable def __call__(self, dimension: Field, *dimensions: Field): self._dimensions += [dimension] + list(dimensions) @property def sql(self): """ Serializes this query builder as a set of SQL queries. This method will always return a list of one query since only one query is required to retrieve dimension choices. This function only handles dimensions (select+group by) and filtering (where/having), which is everything needed for the query to fetch choices for dimensions. The slicer query extends this with metrics, references, and totals. """ if not self._dimensions: raise QueryException('Must select at least one dimension to query latest values') query = make_latest_query(database=self.dataset.database, base_table=self.table, joins=self.dataset.joins, dimensions=self._dimensions) return [query]
[docs] def fetch(self, hint=None): data = super().fetch(hint=hint).reset_index().iloc[0] # Remove the row index as the name and trim the special dimension key characters from the dimension key = None data.index = [alias_for_alias_selector(alias) for alias in data.index] return data